
This is a case where after battling for nearly 2 years in the lower left sector, first with root canals, then failed attempts with teeth 34/36, followed by implants and a long wait due to being a patient with slow healing.


We decided in the area of tooth 17 to directly perform osteofixation with a bipod and delayed osseointegration. Finally, the Monoimplant MOT implants, basal with treated spirals, worked their magic.



A bipodal setup in Italian school style, using 4×20 and 3.5×17 implants, which are literally in contact through the pillar, a cold weld. A molar with severe decay was extracted, causing significant bone destruction, making a traditional implant impossible. Bone grafts, waiting periods, probably a year versus… a few hours.



Intraoral scanning was performed, and within a few hours, the definitive GCAM crown was placed. Bipodism is a powerful tool that should NOT be underestimated, as it provides immediate fixation and stability. Osseointegration will occur secondarily over the years, but the patient has experienced minimal discomfort and is going home, able to bite normally without the sensation of a missing tooth or the discomfort of experiencing pain every time they eat due to pressure on the extraction site.


Only in Gran Canaria..!!


Dr. Darío Castro 

Specialist in Oral Surgery and Implantology, Endodontics and Orthodontics. COELP 755.
Clínica Dental Doctor Darío Castro – Las Palmas de Gran Canaria – Spain

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